CP Community Newsletter 4.30
Thursday, April 30
A Message from the Community Manager
Hello everyone, from my cozy WFH office on this dreary day (my mug says Perfect Blend and my candle is the Nudesse scent by Overose).
We made it through April! Bring it on, May! Just kidding, I don’t know if I can handle anything else.
This video is an actual representation of how I feel my year is going right now: I am the kid, 2020 is the Diet Coke.
Even though I know what is going to happen, I have watched this at least 20 times and it gets better with each view.
His face at the end!!!!!!! If you all need a laugh, watch the video below and get ready to LOL.
Hang in there, love you, mean it.
Click here to watch the video.
Paper Cities
British architecture studio Foster + Partners has released a series of paper building templates that kids can print out, color and use to build their own paper cities.
The templates published include one for a skyscraper (who's going to build Columbia Plaza?!?!) and some different styles of houses, with more to come.
This is a great way for you and your family to have some fun and learn at the same time.
You can discuss the many different buildings and structures in your neighborhood then let them go to town creating their own!
Click here to access the templates.
Teaching Through the Crisis
Music is very therapeutic- both listening to it and creating it.
The link below is a very short song written by a music teacher that has helped her cope with the transition of moving education online.
No one was expecting those deep and moving lyrics.
Please watch the newscaster lose it after she performs.
All I can say is…that guy has gotta be going through it with his kids at home.
Click here to watch and listen.
heART your neighbor
To brighten a Cleveland neighborhood and bring joy to essential workers, a local artist created incredible pieces at the entrances of hospitals, food banks and grocery stores using chalk!
He made these amazing drawings to spread cheer, and to inspire you to do the same.
How to heART your neighbor:
1. create an artistic message of positivity to share
2. thank an essential worker or anyone who makes your life a little brighter
3. share you creation using the hashtag #heARTyourneighbor #CPvirtualhub #BeAtCP #ColumbiaPlazaCincy so we can see what you did to make your neighborhood beautiful!
(bonus points if you have a shout out to Columbia Plaza in your design)
If you don’t have chalk and want to participate, I will send a batch to the first 10 people that respond.
Click here to check out the video of the artist's work to get some inspiration!
The Building
Here For You
Right now, the little things are the big things.
The future of our community will be different from the way it was, and I want to use this as an opportunity to really hear the needs of our members and realign our purpose.
What do you want from the community at Columbia Plaza?
I hope to be as supportive and helpful as possible during this transition back to returning to work.
What do you need from me?
Click here to add any and all ideas to the Google Doc.
Arts Wave- We're in it, Together.
The arts - music, museums, festivals and more – produce a wave of impact that connects us and drives our region’s success.
Arts organizations across all ranges of interests, specialties and size are fighting for survival. Performances and programs are cancelled, venues are locked and artists are sheltering at home.
With public events canceled, your gift to ArtsWave matters more than ever.
It ensures that when this crisis is over, music, art, theater, dance and festivals will be here, ready to bring us together and keep our region vibrant for years to come.
Click here to donate and learn more about the benefits of giving.