Stay and Wonder Gallery Artist

Craig Britton

Cincinnati Local Visual Artist

Have you visited our Stay and Wonder Gallery recently?!

Craig Britton, a local Cincinnati visual artist, is kindly displaying his beautiful artwork for Columbia Plaza to see!

I choose subjects as jumping off points, as vehicles to explore what I am feeling. Responses and perceptions are fleeting, so I choose loose, abbreviated marks to express that. The magic happens when perception, and drawing, paint and the emotions guiding the hand show up at the same time.
— Craig Britton
My aim has always been to make work which is compelling in its beauty, or at least intriguing in the way that a piece of music can be.
— Craig Britton

Interested in seeing more of his work? Visit the Stay and Wonder Gallery on the 2nd floor!

Each piece has a tag of the title and price to the lower left hand corner. Craig has business cards next to his bio in the Gallery if you are interested in purchasing some of his artwork.

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