CP Community Newsletter
Featuring Reds Opening Day Parade route, AHA Heart Mini Marathon, and Cincinnati Easter Egg Hunts!
A Message for the Community
Reds Opening Day Parade Information!
The Cincinnati Reds will open the 2024 season at home against the Washington Nationals next Thursday!
The Opening Day Parade will begin at 12pm, parade route below!
The Cincinnati Reds home opener will be on March 28 at 4:10 p.m.
AHA Heart Mini Marathon
UC Health hosted their annual UC Health After Party at Columbia Plaza after the AHA Heart Mini Marathon!
Huge congratulations to everyone who participated in the Heart Mini Race! Everyone who registered helped save a life!
“Life is why we walk. What's your reason?”
Cincinnati Easter Egg Hunts!
Cincinnati Easter Egg Hunts!
Spring has sprung in Cincinnati — and this is most evident by the number of upcoming Easter celebrations.