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Mandatory Face Coverings in the City of Cincinnati

As of Thursday July 9, Cincinnati City Council passed a measure making face coverings mandatory inside all public places for everyone 6 years old or older.  Highlights of the new ordinance are below:

·         July 9. The measure becomes law and enforceable

·         All Individuals must wear a face covering when in indoors at any place of business and city of Cincinnati-operated buildings and facilities

·         All Employees must require employees that interact with the public to wear masks or provide written justification if requested by the city

·         All Business may refuse service to any individuals who do not comply with the Ordinance

·         Some of the Exceptions.

o   Medical conditions, mental health conditions, or other disabilities that prevent an individual from wearing a mask

o   While actively engaged in exercise

o   When working alone in a private office or conference room or other workspace that is not intended for use by the general public

o   Where there is a functional reason for an employee not to where a mask

o   Public safety positions, where it might interfere with their job

o   While dining outdoors

·         Penalties.  Violations are punishable by a $25 fine

·         Reporting Violations. Call the Health Department to report violations at 513-357-7200; do not call 911

·         Read a full copy of the Ordinance Here

What does this mean when I come to Columbia Plaza? 

As a public place of business, we will comply with the Ordinance and require all individuals who enter the building to wear face coverings.  Please make sure your teams, guests, and any visitors are prepared to bring face coverings to be worn in the building common areas.

Here to Help

We have a limited supply of face masks and can provide them on a one-time basis for those who forget to bring one, but we don’t have enough to supply everyone ever day.

·         Need Help finding a supply of masks for your staff? Give us a call and we can help put you in contact with a distributor.

·         Make your own.  The CDC has several easy to follow guides on how to make your own face covering Here  

For your Peace of Mind: Food delivery drop off in Main Lobby

We will be setting up a food delivery station in the Front Main Lobby near the health screening station beginning July 8.  This allows for all food deliveries to be dropped in one convenient location for you to pick up, reducing the amount of visitor exposure to tenant areas and elevators.  

Please inform food couriers to deliver the food to the table and call you when it has arrived.  Unless previously approved, food couriers will not be permitted to deliver to building floors.

Responsible RestartOhio

Click here for more information and latest Ohio guidance on Responsible RestartOhio.

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Click here for more information and latest CDC guidance on Coronavirus (COVID-19).